The Courageous Heart nonprofit emboldens people to live courageously in alignment with their heart and soul’s purpose.


Our mission is to create opportunities that make a life of service sustainable, to connect people across diverse backgrounds and faiths, and to allow purpose-driven people to share their gifts with the world.




THE Royal Gentleman’s Academy & The Hidden Haberdashery™

The Royal Gentleman’s Academy is a social/emotional curriculum for the advancement of young men into gentlemen of outstanding character. This proprietary program was developed by Love Batista to teach inner city youth (who often have not had positive male role models) the importance of personal expression, imparting trade secrets of gentlemanship traditionally reserved for executives, global leaders and royalty.

Courageous Heart is currently establishing partnerships with other nonprofits around the United States who are already plugged in with this demographic to set up Hidden Haberdashery™ stores in their local communities, and empower young men with access to high-quality upcycled menswear and a unique education that can help them transform judgement into opportunity and make their dreams come true.

“Without courage there’s no change, and without heart there’s no healing.”
– Love Batista